मानवाधिकार अधिनियम, 1993 की धारा-21 के प्रावधानों के अनुसार
fully came into existence on May 13, 2013 with a vision for bringing about greater accountability
and transparency in governance and devising efficient and effective methods of dealing with the
violation of human rights in the state. There cannot be two opinions that human rights were
given importance after United Nations came into existence in 1945. Universal Declaration came
into existence on 10th December 1948.
The Bill on the Protection of human rights after
great discussion and debates finally came into existence on 8th January 1994 in the shape of
“The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993”. Under this Act and by the powers vested in the
Constitution of India, The Uttarakhand Human Rights Commission became functional in the true
sense after May 2013 when Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vijender Jain, Former Chief Justice of Punjab &
Haryana High Court took charge as the Chairperson of UKHRC.
Justice Mr. Vijai Kumar Bist (Hon'ble Chairperson)
Shri Deependra Kumar Chaudhari (Secretary)
Shri Girdhar Singh Dharmshaktu (Hon'ble Member)
Shri Ram Singh Meena (Hon'ble Member)